How can schools ensure their data is useful, appropriate, and acted upon professionally? Tiffnie Harris offers 10 things to consider when it comes to your school’s data collection and use this year


National school data comparisons made a return in 2022, albeit with significant caveats after two years of Covid-related disruption.

As schools now find themselves making a return to the way they have always done things, there are lessons that can be learned to ensure data is being used in a positive rather than a damaging way.

In this article, I set out 10 ways schools can ensure their data is useful, appropriate, and acted upon professionally.


Beware of comparisons


Schools and regions had different experiences throughout lockdown and, as such, comparing schools with each other during this time period would not be representative.

The last time data could be compared nationally was in 2019 and a great deal has changed since then. With this in mind, comparisons made between 2023 and 2019 would also be inappropriate and outdated.

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