Best Practice

Safer Internet Day 2014

Next month, Safer Internet Day offers an opportunity for schools to engage students and families with online safety. Hannah Broadbent offers some ideas for taking part.

Schools are being urged to get involved in the 11th global Safer Internet Day, which takes place next month on Tuesday, February 11.

Safer Internet Day is organised in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, which is a partnership of three charitable organisations, Childnet International, the South West Grid for Learning, and the Internet Watch Foundation.

This year’s theme – “Let’s create a better internet together” – provides an opportunity for schools to highlight the positive and creative uses of technology while empowering pupils, families and staff to stay safe online.

Each year, the UK Safer Internet Centre produces educational resources to help schools plan their activities for Safer Internet Day. Last year, the schools packs were downloaded more than 137,385 times by primary and secondary schools across the country. 

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