I am lead lecturer on an initial teacher training programme and it occurred to me recently that some of the content would be useful, not just for those new to the profession, but for all early career teachers and indeed seasoned professionals in search of a refresher.
And so in these nine articles being published in SecEd, I am sharing my ITT journey in the hope it provides some useful opportunities for you to reflect on your own professional practice and encourages you to try out some new strategies in your classroom.
A quick recap: in my first article, I set out a list of strategies and traits that all expert teachers have in common. In my second article, I focused on the application of theories and models of learning. In my third article, I explored a teacher’s roles and responsibilities in ensuring that learning happens – namely, we must identify needs, plan learning, facilitate learning, assess learning, and finally evaluate learning. I then focused on identifying needs through initial and diagnostic assessments.
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