Best Practice

Extra-curricular: The fall and rise of enrichment

Extra curricular
In tough economic times, enrichment is often one of the first things to go, but schools ditch these activities at their peril, warns Paul Gammans. He considers what an effective enrichment programme should entail and argues why teachers should be given the time to get involved

I’ve always lived by the motto: “You get out what you put in.” As far as education is concerned, this means that the more opportunities you take advantage of while you are at school, the more you will learn, the more skills you will develop and the more you will enjoy your time there.

When I was at school, the extra-curricular activities were what I enjoyed the most. Of course, we didn’t call it enrichment back in the stone age, but whether it was the school play, the activities week full of choices or the computer club, these were the things that we enjoyed about school.

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