
Recruitment: Schools ‘trapped in vicious cycle’ – Ofsted chief warns

Schools are being “trapped in a vicious cycle – unable to recruit because they are struggling, but unable to improve because they cannot recruit”, Sir Michael Wilshaw has said.

The Ofsted chief has called for action to prevent recruitment difficulties from creating a “two-tier system”. Addressing the annual conference of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), he demanded that the National College for Teaching and Leadership do more to “get ahead of the curve” on recruitment and said the current teacher training regime was “too disorganised”.

He told delegates at the event in Birmingham: “No matter how much effort we put into raising the status of the profession, I fear we will never properly get on top of the teacher supply issue unless, and until, the National College for Teaching and Leadership starts to get ahead of the curve. Put bluntly, the National College ... has to show leadership. It has to start demonstrating that it is not a waste of space ... and it certainly has to deliver more teachers to your front door.

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