In this SecEd Podcast we speak to three experts about how we can support our most vulnerable students after the Covid-19 lockdown and as they return to our schools.

The focus of the discussion includes looked after children, previously looked after children, those with mental health challenges, disadvantaged pupils, and those with SEND.

The podcast offers a range of practical advice, with themes including the challenges at-risk students may present with, spotting the signs, potential interventions and pastoral support, safeguarding implications and more.

In conversation with SecEd editor Pete Henshaw are Darren Martindale, service manager, vulnerable learners & virtual school head at City of Wolverhampton Council, Phil Denton, headteacher at St Bede's Catholic High School in Ormskirk; and Stephen Phipps, associate dean with Academy 21, a national provider of online alternative provision.

This is a SecEd Partnered Podcast that has been produced with sponsorship from Academy 21. SecEd produces six partnered podcasts each year on top of our fortnightly editorial podcasts. A partnered podcast is produced in conjunction with the sponsor, focusing on agreed themes and including an expert from the sponsoring organisation.

To hear other SecEd podcasts, or to subscribe for free to new editions, search for 'The SecEd Podcast' in your podcast application of choice or visit and for details about The SecEd Podcast, or to suggest future topics, email editor Pete Henshaw at