
Schools urged to develop closer CPD ties with universities

Universities and schools need to work more closely together to develop classroom techniques and pedagogy, a former education secretary has said.

Universities and schools need to work more closely together to develop classroom techniques and pedagogy.

Former education secretary Baroness Estelle Morris, speaking at a public lecture at the University of Sunderland, said that schools and universities do not communicate effectively enough.

She proposes that politicians, schools and universities need to work collaboratively in order to collate the mass of evidence-based research that currently takes place. 

However, Baroness Morris emphasised the need for teachers to be given the space and time to access this research and learn from it.

She told the audience: “What we’re missing from the education service is evidence-based research of what works in the classroom. This would help teachers become true professionals and exercise their professional judgement responsibly by looking at the evidence that underpins what they do.

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