
Ofsted tells DfE it must build on success of scrapped School Sport Partnerships

Government policy
The Department for Education (DfE) needs a new strategy for PE and school sport based on the success of School Sport Partnerships (SSPs), Ofsted has said.

The Department for Education (DfE) needs a new strategy for PE and school sport based on the success of School Sport Partnerships (SSPs), Ofsted has said.

A report by inspectors into PE provision found that there is more good and outstanding PE in schools now compared with when Ofsted last reported in 2008.

Inspectors visited 120 primary and 110 secondary schools and found PE to be good or outstanding in 72 per cent of the secondaries. Teaching and learning was also good or outstanding in three quarters of secondary schools.

The study found that the impact of SSPs in maximising participation and increasing competition was “clearly evident in the vast majority of schools visited”.

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