
Gaming addiction inquiry

Teachers are being asked to give their views and experiences of gaming and addictive technologies and their impact on young people.

The Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee is after parents, educators and young people to give their views as part of an inquiry into immersive and addictive technologies.

The inquiry will examine the development of immersive technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, and the potential impact these could have in the worlds of sport, entertainment and news. The inquiry will also look at how the addictive nature of some technologies can affect users’ engagement with gaming and social media, particularly among younger people.

A statement said: “Has someone you know found themselves addicted to gaming? How has this affected their behaviour, and what support do they need? Are young people disproportionately affected by the addictive qualities of games and apps? Whose responsibility should it be to ensure games and other technologies do not cause harms?”

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