
Families urged to remain vigilant after marked drop in Covid cases

As Covid-related pupil absence falls markedly, families are urged to continue to remain vigilant and to continue to follow government guidance on testing and isolation.

And headteachers have also warned that the battle is far from won given that notable staff absence due to Covid continues to cause headaches for a significant minority of schools.

The latest attendance figures published by the Department for Education show that pupil absence related to Covid has fallen to 0.7% as of March 3.

This is a huge improvement on the 2.2% recorded before half-term (on February 10).

Attendance in state-funded primary schools was up to 95.1% (from 93.2%) and in secondary schools it is up to 89% (from 87.3%).

It means that “only” 58,000 children and young people were absent due to Covid on March 3, with 45,000 of these having a confirmed case.

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