
Estyn calls for focus on basic numeracy

Publish Date: Edit Date: Inspection advice Mathematics
Numeracy standards in Wales are a cause for concern with pupils in half of secondary schools lacking basic skills, the chief inspector has claimed.

Pupils have weak numeracy skills in about two-fifths of primary schools and half of secondary schools that were inspected in 2010-2012, according to inspectorate Estyn. 

While a majority of pupils are able to measure and use data, many lack basic number skills and cannot easily recall key number facts such as how to multiply.

The inspectorate’s report, Numeracy in Key Stages 2 and 3: A baseline study, examines how a sample of primary and secondary schools are developing pupils’ numeracy skills across the curriculum. 

Inspectors will revisit the same schools over the next two years and report on what progress has been made in improving pupils’ numeracy skills. The study will also focus on how well schools have implemented the Welsh government’s Literacy and Numeracy Framework and examine its impact.

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