
Campaigners demand transparency in Cwmcarn asbestos case

Campaigners angry at “a lack of transparency” over the investigation into asbestos exposure at a South Wales school are demanding action.

The Joint Union Asbestos Committee (JUAC) has written to schools minister David Laws demanding the publication of a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) report into asbestos exposure at Cwmcarn High.

Last month, schools across the UK were urged to check any warm air cabinet heaters to ensure they are not releasing asbestos fibres after it emerged that the closure of Cwmcarn in October 2012 was caused by heaters emitting amosite asbestos fibres.

In April, Caerphilly Council agreed to spend £1 million on the removal of asbestos materials from the school as it works to re-open the site later this year.

However, JUAC says confusion has been caused by HSE statements stating that “the school is essentially uncontaminated” and “it is satisfied that there are appropriate asbestos management arrangements in place”. 

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