
You can’t be what you can’t see

There are now more girls than boys taking science A levels but we cannot let our on-going focus on providing positive career role models for young women slip, says Edwina Dunn

The number of girls taking science A levels in the UK overtook boys for the first time ever this year (JCQ, 2019).

The news was a significant result, particularly for anyone involved in the recent push to encourage girls into STEM subjects. I was one of those people, working on campaigns to change the perception of science from a geeky boys’ subject to a pathway into exciting jobs of the future.

As chair of Your Life, a government-backed campaign to shift those pre-conceptions, my goal was to double the uptake of maths and physics A level, with a particular focus on girls. At the same time I also founded The Female Lead – an educational charity showcasing inspirational women’s stories and lesser-known careers, especially those in STEM, in order to inspire the next generation of young women.

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