
The SEND funding gap

Funding for children with complex SEN has risen eight per cent since 2015/16, but still lags behind the 33 per cent increase in children with EHCPs or Statements. More must be done says Dr Mary Bousted

Today’s children and young people are growing up in a time of austerity which is directly affecting their physical and mental health.

They are the victims of huge cuts in social care services and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). Schools see support services failing around them.

Young people are waiting for months to access counselling services as thresholds for intervention have risen to the point where children have to be assessed as suicidal before they can get help.

In December, the Committee of Public Accounts (CPA) warned that pupils with mental health conditions are being failed by the NHS. Only three in 10 received treatment in 2017/18 and many more face unacceptably long waits.

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