
‘Pay is likely to be biggest issue of the new session’

The Education Bill, a possibility of strike action over pay and concern over the implementation of on-going changes to qualifications loom large on the horizon this year...

Education has been centre stage in Scotland, politically, for some time now and 2018/19 doesn’t look like breaking that trend with on-going concerns around excessive workload, teacher shortages, and senior phase qualifications.

Pay, however, is likely to be the biggest issue of the new session.

The 10 per cent pay claim of the teachers’ side of the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) has gathered momentum with the EIS’s Ten for 10 campaign resonating with teachers, highlighting as it does the reasons why Scottish teachers need and deserve a significant pay rise.

Scottish government seems to have recognised that a growing recruitment and retention challenge means that teachers’ pay has to be addressed, but to date the only offer tabled at the SNCT – three per cent for those earning more than £36,000 and two per cent for all others – failed to come close to meeting the aspiration of teachers and has been rejected.

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