
Four steps to building your wellbeing as a teacher

As a new school year begins, Julian Stanley looks at what steps you can take to manage your stress and support your wellbeing

So how do you feel one week into the new school year? Excited? Energised? Ready for action? Is this year going to be different from previous years? Have you got a new planner, that you absolutely, definitely will keep up-to-date?

Perhaps you have found yourself a brand new selection of colour-coordinated files that you will maintain throughout the year, so you know exactly where everything is when you need it?

Or have you spent some of the summer clearing out your in-box and managing your folders, so that this year will be the year that everything is saved exactly where you need it? Have you reorganised your classroom, stapling up page after page of coloured paper, so that it is fresh, clean and student-ready?

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