Blunt accountability measures, a gimmicky Parents’ Pledge, continuing denial over school budgets, and a heavily criticised Schools Bill – it feels like the government is fiddling while Rome burns, says Geoff Barton
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The finishing line is in sight after another tumultuous year in education, and now is a good time to reflect on what education staff and pupils have achieved during that time.

Sadly, they have not been helped by a government which seems wholly out-of-touch with the sector and the challenges it faces. More of that later.

But first let’s look back at the past academic year. Because in that time schools and colleges have had to deal with huge disruption caused by Covid even while the government was declaring the pandemic to be over.

Large numbers of pupils and staff have been ill with the virus at various times, further compounding the upheaval of the previous two years, and making exam preparation and education recovery work all the more difficult.

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