
Careers guidance: Is Ofsted the answer?

Despite national strategies and the Careers and Enterprise Company’s work, careers guidance continues to be patchy. However, Gerard Liston thinks that Ofsted’s proposed new Education Inspection Framework could change this – even though it doesn't mention careers...

More than a year after the launch of the National Careers Strategy and statutory guidance for schools and more than three years since the Careers and Enterprise Company started its work, is it just possible that Ofsted’s new draft Education Inspection Framework might achieve more than both combined?

Teachers remain under pressure to get through curriculum content or course specifications, leaving many feeling they are on a treadmill. So, it is not surprising that they resist efforts to squeeze in a bit of careers guidance.

In most schools, this remains the responsibility of careers advisers, work experience coordinators and other CEIAG specialists. But perhaps Ofsted has created an opportunity to bring this crucial school activity out of its silo.

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