Serious recruitment and retention issues and the cost-of-living crisis is compounding workload and wellbeing issues at the chalkface. Dr Patrick Roach calls on teachers to join a national demonstration on June 18 calling for change

There can be no doubt that families the length and breadth of the country are facing a profound cost of living crisis.

Rocketing fuel and energy bills, forecasts of double-digit inflation, and rising interest rates mean misery for many families. And unless there is urgent action from government the situation is only going to get worse.

Teachers and school leaders do not need to be reminded of the stark effects of this crisis on their pupils and in their own lives.

They see it every day in their schools and in their classrooms. Children whose parents find themselves in insecure jobs and struggling to make ends meet. Many relying on food banks and struggling to pay bills and keep their children clothed and fed.

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