Best Practice

What does 'professional capital' look like in your school?

Do you recognise and develop the professional capital of the staff in your school? Drawing on research evidence, Ben Solly discusses his take as a school leader on the three key elements – human, decisional and social capital

I have always encouraged members of my senior leadership team to take an active interest in reading up on current educational research so that our strategies are founded upon robust findings from the world of academia.

For many senior leaders, online platforms such as Twitter provide an easy-to-access resource where educators from around the world share ideas, articles and examples of good practice. Additionally, the emergence of the Chartered College of Teaching has provided teachers and leaders with a plethora of educational research resources which is very welcome indeed.

While education seems to move at a rapid speed, the requirement of senior leaders to keep up-to-date with current developments is critical. However, there are some timeless aspects of leadership that are enduring features of successful schools, none more so in my opinion than that of the concept of developing the professional capital of staff within your school.

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