Best Practice

Tough choices? How to navigate the CPD marketplace

With so many experts, partners, consultants and providers, how can school leaders better navigate the CPD marketplace? Maria Cunningham looks at new research into quality-assurance, and its implications for your school’s CPD commissioning


In April, a consortium of the Chartered College of Teaching, Teacher Development Trust (TDT) and Sheffield Institute of Education launched a report in which we shared the outcomes of a project commissioned by Wellcome to design, develop and pilot a system for quality-assuring teachers’ CPD (Chedzey et al, 2021).

The aim of the project was to first and foremost design a system which enables school leaders to make decisions about CPD more easily. When we held consultations with school leaders, they said things like:

Our learning suggests that the quality-assurance system we have developed has the potential to be robust, fair and valuable for school leaders and the wider system. This is a huge development in the landscape, as we know that not all CPD available to schools is equally effective – with huge variation in quality of design, service and delivery.

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