Best Practice

The future of school governance: Six issues of relevance

A recent RSA report into school governance has dissected the ‘trends, tensions and opportunities’ within the current system. Drawing on the conclusions, Ian Armitage discusses six issues of relevance

The responsibilities of governing bodies are not isolated from the management executive and the two should be viewed as one. Governance goes way beyond the use of checklists and model methods for running meetings. It is about running an enterprise – a school enterprise – and hence the allocation of scarce resources to deliver the best outcomes for pupils and the greatest positive social impact.

There are hundreds of thousands of people willing to do unpaid work in schools. A 2014 report by the National Governors’ Association estimated that governors’ contribution is worth some £1 billion. By all accounts they represent the largest body of volunteers in the UK – so the first question is: “Why do they bother?”

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