Best Practice

Supporting Pupil Premium parents: Five approaches

Publish Date: Updated Date: Pupil Premium Parental engagement
Based on her work as a Pupil Premium lead across two schools, Emma Goldfinch offers five ways to support, engage and build relationships with Pupil Premium parents
Image: Adobe Stock

As the lead for Pupil Premium across two schools, I have tried to look for positive ways to interact with the parents of our disadvantaged students.

Communication between the school and parents is key to supporting Pupil Premium students in their development and attainment.

There is no obligation for your school to consult with parents about how you use Pupil Premium funding, although many schools will involve parents to a certain degree as we seek to find the best solutions.

Schools must show that they are using their Pupil Premium funding appropriately. This is measured through Ofsted scrutiny and annual performance tables.

In addition, schools must publish details online, including how much money they have been allocated, how they intend to spend it, how they spent their previous year’s allocation, and how it made a difference to the attainment of disadvantaged students (see DfE, 2023).

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