Best Practice

Research and evidence in the classroom

The number of schools embracing teacher-led, action research is growing. Gareth Mills explores why there is increasing enthusiasm from teachers for an evidence-informed education system and looks at some examples from schools already adopting this approach

‘We are mad!” said one of the teachers at a recent celebration of learning to mark the end of a year-long enquiry into ways to improve the quality of students’ writing. MAD, I am pleased to report, is an acronym for “making a difference”.

Teachers belonging to the Aspire Academy Trust had come together to share some of the results from a number of evidence-based enquiries that they had undertaken in collaboration with the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER). As the groups shared their portfolios; which included photographs, samples of students’ work, the results of surveys and so on, it was clear to see the sense of pride and enthusiasm on display.

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