Best Practice

Online learning: There is nothing remote about it

Publish Date: Updated Date: Classroom ICT Government policy Coronavirus Edtech Digital divide
Learning cannot be remote. But it can take place online. Having seen the various official contributions to the remote education push, Bob Harrison despairs…

As I judge the entries for the Learning Reimagined Awards – which celebrate the most inspirational uses of technology for learning around the world – I cannot help reflect on how incredibly quaint and outdated these innovations make the Department for Education’s remote education efforts look.

I look at the views from Sanctuary Buildings on remote education (DfE, 2020) and I want to reach for the remote control.

I shouldn’t be surprised – the DfE has studiously avoided engaging with educational technology ever since the coalition government disbanded Becta, the national centre for ICT innovation, research and advice, in its 2010 “bonfire of the quangos”.

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