
Best Practice

November GCSE exams: Helping students to handle the pressure

Given the uncertainty that students have faced this summer, those who have decided to sit some of their GCSEs in November might be feeling more anxiety than usual. We offer some expert advice to help young people handle the pressure and boost their exam outcomes. Emma Lee-Potter explains

Given that it is October and the beginning of a challenging new term in the midst of a pandemic, you would be forgiven for forgetting that GCSE season is just around the corner.

After the Covid-19 lockdown, the cancelled summer examinations and the chaos and uncertainty surrounding this year’s results, an autumn series has been created to give GCSE candidates the opportunity to improve their grades.

AS and A level exams are taking place from October 5 to 23 and the GCSE series will run from November 2 to 23.

It is hard to imagine just how the candidates preparing for November must be feeling given that during any normal GCSE season we are already acutely aware of the pressures that pupils face.

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