Best Practice

How to stop students from becoming NEET...

What is it that puts a young person on the path to becoming NEET? And how can schools intervene to reduce this risk? Fleur Sexton advises

The Children’s Commissioner recently warned that “the coronavirus crisis could see a lost generation of vulnerable teenagers falling through gaps in the school and social care systems” (2020; see also SecEd, 2020).

Meanwhile, youth unemployment soared by 122 per cent between March and July 2020 according to the Office for National Statistics and 770,000 young people were reported to be NEET (not in education, employment or training).

Low self-confidence, poor prior attainment, a limited support network and vulnerability are common factors among NEETs – issues that are often triggered by adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) or traumatic events occurring before age 18, including abuse, neglect, parental mental illness, substance use, divorce, incarceration and domestic violence. These young people have often stopped trusting in others and have limited opportunities they can actually access.

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