Best Practice

How to engage in an effective appraisal

How to handle appraisals is something every teacher must think about. Sonia Gill offers some tips to help you survive and thrive

When it comes to our appraisal, it is a great time to take the lead on how we have done and what we want from the next year of our professional lives. However, most of us have not been shown how to go about this so here are some tips to help you take greater ownership of your appraisal.

First and foremost, know what you are being appraised on. That might be last year’s targets, Teachers’ Standards, job description, any projects you have taken on – it could be one or several of these. If you are not sure ask your line manager, there should be a process for your appraisal and it should be transparent – after all, the aim is for us to continually improve and transparency helps this.

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