
Best Practice

Careers advice: Fuelling students’ ambitions with effective guidance

Young people are at risk of giving up their career ambitions because of the damage many industries have suffered during the Covid-19 pandemic. The What University? & What Career? Live Virtual Event on March 19 and 20 aims to inspire key stage 4 and 5 students

With the publication of the government’s roadmap out of lockdown earlier this year, the light at the end of the tunnel flickered on in the distance.

As we begin to look forward and consider how best to support students during this transitional phase and beyond, it is essential that careers education does not take a backseat.

The Youth Employment 2030 report on the employment prospects for young people in England post-Covid – published in December – highlighted a concerning sense of hopelessness among students "bombarded with media coverage of mass unemployment". This negativity is creating a barrier to achievement in itself, with many giving up on certain ambitions before they have even had a chance to try.

The report also indicates a perceived lack of official careers guidance amongst students, with only 5% citing a careers advisor as their main source of information. Family, friends and Google all ranked higher. This is especially concerning as – despite best efforts – repeated school shutdowns will have disrupted students’ access to professional careers advice over the past year.

The emergence of free online events, such as the What University? & What Career? Live Virtual Event on March 19 and 20, will likely play a vital role in ensuring students in key stages 4 and 5 have access to up-to-date information about their school leaver options.

Using a highly engaging virtual event platform, students can chat to representatives from leading universities and employers and get answers to their questions in real time. This offers an invaluable opportunity for students to get a real insight into their options, and perhaps discover opportunities they wouldn’t otherwise have been aware of.

Exhibitor Sophie Willmott from Mott MacDonald commented: “We offer a wide range of opportunities and love chatting to students about their options. The What University? & What Career? Live Virtual Event is great for personal interactions – being able to have one-to-one conversations allows us to advise students as to which route might suit them best.”

This one-to-one interaction is supported by a comprehensive programme of more than 50 free live and on-demand talks, covering everything from the UCAS application process and student finance, to fast-tracking your career with an apprenticeship.

Independent careers advisors will be on hand to offer one-to-one guidance for students struggling to decide what they would like to do next, while CV experts The Write Stuff share their expertise on making an application stand out on paper. Students can also take part in interactive confidence-building Future Skills Workshops with a focus on employability skills.

In addition, representatives from Remploy and the Department for Work & Pensions will share information about the range of support available to students as they transition into the workplace.

With attendees able to log in from school or at home, during school hours or outside teaching time, the What University? & What Career? Live Virtual Event offers a flexible opportunity for students to access essential information.

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