Best Practice

A CPD case study: Creating the Wow Factor!

In a bid to encourage, inspire and share creative teaching ideas across the school, Marlborough Science Academy has launched its Wow Factor and Creativity Week CPD programme. Deputy head Mark Fitzgibbon explains all

Following our successful Ofsted last spring, we were delighted by the feedback we received in respect of our “increasingly effective teaching”.

For many years now our head has encouraged staff to take risks in the classroom and not to be afraid of trying something new or an idea that is outside of their comfort zone.

However, it has taken a while for staff to actually feel confident with that philosophy. And, as in Ofsted inspections, teachers can often revert to teaching those careful lessons that are not likely to let us down – and who can blame us? Indeed, over the years there have been so many “right” and “wrong” approaches advocated for the perfect lesson that, when we are under pressure, playing safe can seem like the sensible option.

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