
UNICEF OutRight campaign offers mental health teaching resources

UNICEF’s annual youth advocacy campaign has published free learning resources to support the teaching of mental health.

Entitled OutRight, teachers are invited to sign up to receive weekly resources until the end of November as well as access live support sessions for teachers and a World Children’s Day live webinar with special guests.

The OutRight initiative aims to help students learn and use their voice to campaign on crucial issues, including speaking up to local decision-makers.

This particular campaign aims to help students to understand what mental health is and how it links to their rights, find out how we can take care of our mental health, and discuss how the culture around speaking out about mental health is changing.

Previous OutRight campaigns have touched on issues including the rights of refugee children, air pollution, the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and climate change. These resources are still available.

The current mental health campaign is offering resources for both primary and secondary age students.