
RSE Day 2020: Time to celebrate relationships and sex education

June 25 is national RSE Day and takes place just 65 days before relationships and sex education, along with health education, becomes statutory in secondary schools across England. Lucy Emmerson offers some activity and parental engagement ideas for schools

Schools may not feel as prepared as they would like to for the start of the new subjects, and may also be anxious about the wellbeing of their students and staff. This is the moment to convert those worries into simple activities that celebrate everyone’s role in RSE, and open up conversations that can inform future plans for RSE at your school.

The Department for Education (DfE) has recently clarified that RSE and health education will still be statutory from September 1, but recognising the impact of Covid-19 and school closures, has encouraged schools to take a phased approach if they are not fully prepared in time.

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