
Gambling education resources

The latest annual survey by the Gambling Commission reveals that 14 per cent of young people in Great Britain had spent their own money on a gambling activity in the past week – that equates to approximately 450,000 11 to 16-year-olds.

This was greater than those who had drunk an alcoholic drink, smoked a cigarette or taken illegal drugs.

The same report found that 39 per cent of 11 to 16-year-olds had gambled in the past 12 months and that the number of children classed as problem gamblers has quadrupled to more than 50,000 since 2016.

There are also increasing concerns over the blurred lines between gaming and gambling, with a recent study from the University of York and York St John University highlighting the links between in-game purchases and problem gambling.

YGAM is a charity whose purpose is to inform, educate and safeguard young people in relation to gambling and gaming. Working with the PSHE Association and ASDAN, it has developed an accredited and quality-assured gambling and gaming awareness education programme. It offers a free one-day workshop and access to more than 100 online resources.

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