
Website offers safety advice

A national website offering help on child protection issues and support to vulnerable children and families has launched.

The new site has been created by the Scottish government and includes information on what the public should do if they are concerned for a child’s welfare. 

It also features information and links to downloadable materials for children themselves, including cartoons and online games providing child safety tips.

Minister for children and young people, Aileen Campbell, said: “The Scottish government is committed to ensuring protection is in place for all children at risk and this new site will further strengthen our efforts to make Scotland the best place for children and young people to grow up.

“Children only get one childhood and it should be a special time when they are loved and cherished, kept safe from harm and go on to realise their full potential. This valuable new resource will play a significant part in enhancing child protection across Scotland.”

Anne Houston, chief executive of the charity CHILDREN 1st, added: “We welcome the fact that this new website has information, not only for adults who may be worried about a child, but also for children and young people themselves. It is vital they understand that concerns about their welfare will be taken seriously and that they know what to do if they need help.

“This is another tool to make sure we all understand that it’s everybody’s responsibility to protect children.”

For more information, visit