
Secondary schools facing £365 per-pupil real-terms funding cut by 2020

Secondary schools with the most deprived intakes face real-terms funding cuts of £780 a year per-pupil if the government pushes ahead with its plans for “fairer funding”, it has been claimed.

The claim has come as a new interactive website has been unveiled showing just how proposed fairer funding reallocations and increased costs and inflation will likely affect schools in different parts of the country.

The website allows schools to search by their postcode and has been created by the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL).

Currently, there are huge funding disparities across England with schools in the 10 best-funded areas getting an average of £6,297 per-pupil while those in the 10 worst funded areas get £4,208. The government has pledged to iron out these historical discrepancies, but with no new funding entering the system it means there will be winners and losers.

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