
A third of boys say they will not do any writing outside of the classroom

Boys are much less enthusiastic about writing than girls, a new survey has revealed.

The National Literacy Trust’s  (NLT) third annual literacy survey of nearly 35,000 eight to 16-year-olds found that boys are twice as likely than girls to say they don’t enjoy writing at all.

Almost a third of boys said they never – or rarely – wrote anything outside school, while one in five boys admitted that they “would be embarrassed if friends saw me write”.

Meanwhile, more girls than boys said that “writing is cool” – 35 per cent of girls as opposed to nearly 27 per cent of boys. 

Three-quarters of all youngsters said that writing was more fun when they were able to choose their own topic. Not only that, the Children and Young People’s Writing in 2012 report found a direct link between children’s enjoyment of writing and the results they achieve at school. 

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