Persistent absence, poverty, SEND, behaviour, and exclusion – SecEd’s annual vulnerable learners supplement once again offers 20 pages of expert advice, insights, ideas, and case studies written by experienced educators and all aimed at helping secondary schools to support their most vulnerable young people
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This year, SecEd’s free 20-page annual vulnerable learners supplement focuses on attendance and SEND, with 10 in-depth articles offering practical advice, ideas, tips and case studies.

We look at how schools can close the attendance gap between rich and poor and tackle school absence more generally. We also consider two school case studies of excellent SEN support as well as general teaching advice. Articles in the supplement include:

The supplement has been produced by SecEd with kind support from Academy21. Academy21 is an online alternative provision specialist which works in partnership with schools and local authorities to help students re-engage with their education. Visit

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