SecEd's Excellence in SEN 2019 16-page supplement offers practical advice and examples to help teachers and school leaders support their SEN learners...

SecEd’s annual Excellence in SEN supplement offers advice ranging from classroom practice, identifying student needs and Pupil Premium overlaps, to guidance on the roles of the SENCO and named SEN governor...
Topics for 2019 include:
- Rethinking the SEN labels in your classroom – a diagnosis is only a signpost on the way to effective provision. Practical advice for in the classroom.
- Supporting your SENCOs – how school leaders can help SENCOs to play a central role in our schools.
- Starting out as SENCO – advice, ideas and approaches to help those new to the SENCO role.
- The named governor for SEND – a look at what the role entails and how to support and challenge your school and SENCO to ensure effective practice.
- Pupil Premium – with clear links between Pupil Premium and SEN, we look at identifying need and working with parents.
- Case study – Brune Park Community School has made SEND and inclusion its top priorities, leading to a transformation in practice.
Supplement: Excellence in SEND (2019): Click here to download