
We must support teachers to apply evidence in practice

Action research Pedagogy
The increasing demands for evidence-based training and CPD must be welcomed, but teachers still need to be supported to apply the evidence in their classroom practice. Dr Joanna Goodman explains.

For far too long, teachers’ CPD and subsequent practice has followed various fads and trends that, on the surface, seemed attractive to implement and try as part of classroom practice. The appeal of many myths has been based on the premise that relatively simple and easy lists of strategies, if followed, could lead to big learning gains and improved pupil engagement.

Although these approaches promised research-based foundations on, for example, learning styles or how the brain works, the real fact remains that many of these myths often lack clear scientific proof. Often, these quick-fix fads have been sold to the profession as short-cuts to improvement based on snippets of inconclusive or out-of-context research.

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