
Ofsted – no longer fit-for-purpose?

Publish Date: Edit Date: Inspection advice Trade unions
Ofsted’s negative influence on our schools cannot be allowed to continue, argues Dr Mary Bousted.

Once again I am writing about Ofsted. Why am I so concerned? Because I believe that Ofsted is no longer, if it ever was, a force for good in our education system.

I believe that Ofsted damages and limits the aspirations of school leaders, whose jobs are as secure as those of football managers, and who face the sack if their school is judged inadequate or requiring improvement. The level of fear drives the excessive workload which has become the defining feature of the working lives of teachers and school leaders. Stress, exhaustion and burn-out await too many. And the level of tension under which teachers work takes time, energy and focus away from what should be most important – the quality of their teaching. 

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