
Ofsted is not reforming – it is rebranding

Only root and branch reform will end the tyranny of Ofsted’s regime and the ‘climate of fear’ that school inspections too often create, says Daniel Kebede
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Blink and you would have missed it, but at the start of term Ofsted took a two-week pause on inspecting schools.

The reasons are well known. Ruth Perry, a headteacher in Caversham, Berkshire, died by suicide just over a year ago.

The inquest held by senior coroner Heidi Connor led to damning conclusions about the role of Ofsted in the weeks leading up to her tragic death.

The inspection "lacked fairness, respect and sensitivity". It was "rude and intimidating", and Ruth's "mental health deterioration and death was likely contributed to" by Ofsted.

This is a very serious matter. Both Ofsted and the Department for Education have now responded to Connor's call for an action plan to address safeguarding concerns.

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