
Leadership pay: A fait accompli?

Publish Date: Edit Date: Pay and conditions Government policy Senior leadership
The STRB is not reporting its recommendations for the September 2020 pay rise until April – and yet the government has already outlined what it wants to see happen. Paul Whiteman is concerned

The School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) is currently making its deliberations on this year’s pay award.

However, we are in an odd position because the government has already made very clear what its intentions are around pay, partly because of the recent election.

They went further last month by issuing a grand statement about their own submission to the STRB (DfE, 2020; SecEd, 2020).

The headlines are that teacher starting salaries will rise to £26,000 this September, building towards £30,000 by September 2022. Pay ranges for heads and school leaders will receive increases of 2.5 per cent. The government claims that these proposals could see 1,000 extra teachers retained per year.

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