
Laptops for all, exams, digital learning? Where next for edtech post-pandemic?

Setting aside government threats over remote education and its slow response over laptops, politicians must seize the ‘accidental opportunity’ to put technology at heart of education, says Geoff Barton

It has long been something of a national sport to tell schools what they should or shouldn’t be doing. And over the course of the coronavirus pandemic it is a sport that has become more popular than ever. Particularly when it comes to remote learning.

We should perhaps view this level of interest in a positive way. It shows that people care deeply about education. Disinterest would be much worse.

However, it does not feel all that positive to be on the receiving end of poorly informed criticism aired by certain sections of the commentariat, and it proves especially galling when those flames are fanned by none other than the secretary of state for education.

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