
From RE to religion and worldviews

Publish Date: Edit Date: Languages and humanities Curriculum
Is it time to refresh religious education? Wide-ranging reforms to the subject have been proposed by the Commission on Religious Education. What next? Dr John Hall sets out the proposals

Religious education has been a core part of the British education system since 1870.

The 1944 Education Act cemented its place on the curriculum, the post-war government making it available to all pupils regardless of their denomination. Since the subsequent introduction of other world religions and beliefs beyond Christianity in the 1960s and 1970s, RE in England has continued to evolve. In fact, many people over a certain age would barely recognise the subject from their school days.

But changes to our society over the past few decades and recent reforms of our school and exam system mean it is time for a major review of RE.
RE remains more relevant than ever and navigating the complex world of religion and belief is one of the most important challenges young people face in the modern world.

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