
Diary of an NQT: Coping with lockdown

The coronavirus lockdown has changed our NQT diarist’s whole way of working. He reflects on how his school is supporting home education

First, I wanted to start by saying that I hope all of the readers are well during these unprecedented times. Life as an NQT this past month or so has been strange to say the least.

As a department and as a school we have been working really hard to maintain regular communication with our colleagues, our pupils and their parents.

In the final week or so of schools being fully open before the government coronavirus lockdown, our department ensured that we all knew exactly what we had to do while working from home and setting work for our pupils.

To ensure that all of the pupils were being set the same amount of work and therefore given equal opportunities, our department assigned specific year groups to each of us. I have taken responsibility for setting work for all year 10 and year 11 trilogy physics. Operating this way has been very beneficial for both the teachers and the pupils as everybody knows who is responsible for which groups and who they need to liaise with.

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