
Could it happen today?

Recalling a magical encounter with one of his students, Gerald Haigh asks whether teachers in today’s observation-obsessed schools have the freedom to go ‘off-lesson’.

In the days when comprehensive schools were rigidly streamed, I taught in one as general subjects teacher with the lowest ability groups.

One year I taught history, English and maths to a smallish class in the eighth stream out of eight. I got to know those kids pretty well. Some drove me nuts, but on the whole I liked them. 

I was their teacher almost in a primary school sense and we followed the road where it led. Along the way I learned that these so-called less able youngsters had hidden qualities of personality, wit, creativity, resourcefulness and sheer effrontery.

And so it was that one day I had this magical encounter with Dave Thomson, aged 14 (not his real name, and he’ll be an adult family man now).

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