
Careers education: A little less spin, please

Publish Date: Edit Date: Government policy Careers guidance
The self-satisfied spin emanating from the government’s £19 million-a-year Careers and Enterprise Company is doing nothing to help its credibility or win support, says Jon Richards

Some people are good at blowing their own trumpet. Modesty of that sort is not for the likes of the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) who go for the full euphonium.

In the press release accompanying its recent “State of the Nation” report (not just a mere annual report for the CEC), the chief executive states: “After decades of underperformance, careers education is now improving – fast. In under five years we’ve moved from something patchy and often low-quality to a system recognised as world-class, operating at national scale.” (CEC, September 2019)

This nicely steps around the criticisms from many in the education world – including the House of Commons Education Select Committee (May 2018) – that the CEC itself has been seriously underperforming, except in the area of high executive pay where they compete very nicely (the Education Select Committee hearing cited an example of a chief marketing officer for £100,000).

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