Best Practice

The four tests of good CPD for your school

Publish Date: Updated Date: CPD
Not every CPD resource or event will suit your teachers or your school. Sarah Coskeran explains the four key questions you must ask before committing to any CPD activity.

Research shows that ensuring good professional development for all staff is one of the most effective ways to improve outcomes for all students.

Seemingly countless courses and resources are on offer to help teachers improve their practice, but you need to choose high-quality expertise and input in order to facilitate effective learning back in the classroom.

With so much to choose from, how can teachers and schools leaders identify high-quality courses, resources and services? How can you sort the bad from the good, the “flash-in-the-pan” quick fixes from evidence-based resources that will have a sustained impact in the classroom?

At the Teacher Development Trust, there are a few questions we ask of providers in our Good CPD Guide to assess how effective a CPD resource is likely to be. Not every resource will suit your school’s or pupils’ needs, and teachers must show commitment to sustain the implementation and evaluation of any training.

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