Best Practice

SLCN in key stage 3: Quality first teaching (part 3)

Continuing his series on supporting speech, language and communication needs, Matt Bromley looks at the key aspects of quality first teaching
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In the first two articles of this five-part series, I explained what SLCN is and how schools can correctly identify pupils with SLCN and offer them support so that they can access the curriculum, make good progress and achieve good outcomes.

The research suggests that pupils with SLCN would like:

As outlined last week, at the heart of good practice are three key things: quality first teaching, in-class differentiation, and additional interventions.

Last week I began to explore what is meant by the term “quality first teaching”. I said that the best way to improve outcomes for pupils with SLCN, as with any additional and different learning need, is through quality first teaching because, if we improve the quality of timetabled teaching in the classroom, all pupils – including those with SLCN – will make better progress.

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