Best Practice

PSHE: Tackling teenage relationship abuse

​Karen Sullivan continues her focus on violence in teen relationships with a look at the hard facts of abusive relationships, the impact on young women, and what we might be able to do about it in schools

In September, I began a series of articles focusing on domestic violence, how it is affecting young people, and the increasing incidence of violence within teen relationships (PSHE: Relationship violence, SecEd, September 2016:

Although domestic abuse, as an issue, has received a great deal of attention over the past few years with a multitude of awareness-raising campaigns and supportive measures put in place within the community, it is clear that we need to target young people and ensure that they have the tools available to put a stop to it.

In my last article in October, I focused on the prevalence of domestic violence against men – a sensitive and difficult issue for many people (Violence against males, SecEd, October 2016:

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